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Congratulations to our community challenge winner Penelope_Saladfingers! December's challenge topic was "Nisse" mischievous gnome-like creatures from scandinavian folklore who help around the house or farm and prone to pranks should one annoy them. Penelope's work had captured the essence of the Nisse with a light, childlike and heartwarming approach. good job!

Our next challenge next challenge topic is "Moon Dog" and was chosen by Penelope. Last submission date is january 30th on our discord community channel (details below)

check out all the submissions for "Nisse" art challenge

Want to in on the fun? Join our art challenge "Moon Dog" hosted by Noa Katzir each wednesday 2pm EST / 9pm Israel on her twitch channel:​

and submit your artwork in our discord community

Creating realistic portraits is a skill many artists desire to master. Commissioned portraits, caricatures, illustrations and concept art - these all are applicable use for realism. but in order to do that, we must practice and study. One of the fun ways for me to do that is studying people and characters that inspire me. it allows me both to practice my skill and pay homage at the same time! I just finished watching one of my favorite shows new season, Netflix's "Stranger Things" and immediately knew I have draw "Eleven". Actress Millie Bobby Brown conveys the character's vulnerability and hidden strength in such a unique way it creates instant empathy. This study is made in photoshop with a screenshot ref. I used "Guach a go-go" from Kyle's Brushes (now available in cc2018) for the initial values. This allowed me to work more painterly and with broad strokes in the underpainting and initial color lay, and later on with a simple brush for more subtle details. Here is the demo of the process, hope you'll find it useful! -Noa

Congratulation to our first community challenge winner: @UrbanDrawer with his hilarious take on the subject of "Sea Angels"!

Check out his other works here and on social media under @urbandrawer

He also got to choose our current challenge topic "Nisse"! Want to have a spotlight and decide our next community challenge?

Join our monthly community challenges, submit your work and have a chance for a spotlight and deciding what we'll draw next! The art challenge is hosted and curated by Noa Katzir each week on wednesday 2pm EST/9pm Israel on Submit your work in our discord channel at #community_challenges

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